TBT: Justin Bieber + Purpose Release

Guilty. I'm going through all my photographs that I've neglected (mainly because of school and the crazy schedule) and I've found so many photos that I should have shared, which includes this set from Justin Bieber's small acoustic concert in November on the day of his album release, Purpose. But, one thing I am not guilty of, is being a Justin Bieber fan since day one y'all. 

The tickets to this show were 25 dollars.. That's right, TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS. The damn parking was actually more expensive than the (basically private) concert. I just about lost my mind and then immediately purchased the tickets. Just as expected, it was full of mostly screaming and some crying girls (typically with parents tagging along) but there was a surprisingly more diverse crowd than I originally anticipated. Kiki and I even sat in front of the dancers who were featured in his visual experience for the album (which is amazing by the way - go find it now if you haven't seen it).

Tonight he plays at Key Arena in Seattle and you guys are in, for what I am sure is going to be a wonderful show. He's an extremely talented guy, whether most of you would like to admit that or not. He was humble and honest while his performance was just the same. 

Anyways, it was pretty unreal to get the chance to see this intimate performance after following him for so many years. Hope you enjoy the photo's I snapped and go turn on Purpose if you're diggin it.